除息交易日 2024/12/12
配息基準日 2024/12/18 (普通股)
2024/12/12 (美國存託憑證)
現金股利 每普通股 NT$3.99963706
每美國存託憑證 US$0.608106
每美國存託憑證 US$0.480404 (就源扣繳所得稅後之現金股利)
股票股利 -
現金股利交付日 2025/01/09 (普通股)
2025/01/09 (美國存託憑證)
  • For ADR inquiries, please contact Citibank Depositary Receipts Services.
    Toll Free: 1-877-248-4237
    Outside USA: 1-781-575-4555
    E-Mail: citibank@shareholders-online.com
  • TSMC's depositary receipts of the common shares are listed on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol TSM. The information relating to TSM is available at http://www.nyse.com and http://emops.twse.com.tw.