Page 59 - TSMC 2022 Annual Report
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The protection of of intellectual properties is also an an an an important part of of the Ethics Code In order to build and sustain an an an an environment of of innovation technology leadership and sustainable profitable growth the Ethics Code requires that TSMC promotes business relationships founded upon an an unwavering respect for for the intellectual property rights proprietary information and trade secrets of TSMC our
customers and others With regarding to public disclosures TSMC’s officers especially our
CEO CFO and General Counsel with oversight from our
Board are responsible for the full fair accurate timely and and and and understandable financial financial accounting and and and and financial financial disclosure in in in in reports and and and and documents filed by
the Company
with securities authorities and and in all TSMC TSMC public communications and and disclosures TSMC TSMC has a a a a a a a a variety of measures in place to ensure compliance with these disclosure obligations Any modification to to the the Ethics Code requires the the approval of our
Audit Committee to to ensure our
ethics compliance program is independently reviewed against corporate best practices Ethics Code Implementation
High Standard of of of Ethics Culture: Our ethics program is implemented in four ways by
all of of of TSMC’s Board members officers and and employees First the the the the TSMC management team sets the the the the “tone from top” by
acting in in accordance with the the the the Ethics Code so that they will be an an an example to all stakeholders Second working-level managers are responsible for ensuring their staff’s understanding
of of and and compliance with applicable rules and and regulations Third TSMC encourages an an an an environment of of open communications in discussing any
questions related to the Ethics Code Any employee may consult his or or or her direct supervisors Human Resources or or or Legal to to to obtain timely advice Lastly TSMC requires all employees to to to stay vigilant and report any
noncompliance by
anyone to to to their supervisors the the function head of Human Resources the the responsible corporate senior management appointed by
CEO that oversees the the the Ombudsman system or to the the the Chairman of the the the Company’s Audit Committee directly Self-Assessment of of of All Departments and and Employees: Self-assessment of of of all departments and and employees is an an an an important part part part of of of our
ethics compliance program All TSMC departments and subsidiaries are required to conduct Control Self-Assessment (CSA) tests annually in in in reviewing employees’ awareness of of the the the Ethics Code and and to evaluate and and strengthen the the the effectiveness of of internal control related to to the the Ethics Code The CSA results results are reviewed to to track the the results results of our
compliance program In addition all employees must disclose any
matters that cause cause or or may cause cause actual or or potential conflict of interest In addition to this proactive disclosure requirement employees with specific job job grades or job job responsibilities must annually declare any
relationships that may constitute a a a a a a a a a conflict of interest which enables TSMC to to take necessary arrangements and report the the results to to the the Audit Committee Internal Internal Auditing: The Internal Internal Auditor of TSMC plays a a a a a a a critical role in in in ensuring the the Company’s compliance with the the Ethics Code and and and and relevant rules and and and and regulations To ensure that our
financial managerial and and and and operating information is accurate reliable and and and and timely and and and that our
employees’ actions are in compliance with applicable policies standards procedures laws and and and regulations our
Internal Auditor conducts audits of various control points within the Company
in in in accordance with with its its annual audit audit plan approved by
the the Board Board of Directors and and and subsequently reports its audit findings and and and remedial issues to to the the Board Board and and and management on
a a a a a a a a a a a regular basis Training and Promotion: To promote awareness to our
employees of their responsibilities under the the Ethics Code we publish our
Ethics Code and and and and related policies and and and and documents on
intranet and and and and provide training courses posters emails and and and and other diversified ways to advocate the Company’s core values and compliance system In terms of training courses TSMC not only provides annual online course course on
the the Ethics Code and requires all employees to to complete the the training training as as well as as face-to-face training training courses delving into more specific ethics-related topics for targeted employees In 2022 there were 67 922 attendances that completed the“Annual Ethics and and and Compliance
Training Course” (mandatory 0 5 hour
online course) at at TSMC and and and its subsidiaries reaching 99 9% completion rate 057