Page 336 - TSMC 2022 Annual Report
P. 336
Movements in the fair value of the plan assets were as follows:
Balance, beginning of year Interest income Remeasurement:
Return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in net interest expense)
Contributions from employer Benefits paid from plan assets
5,548,563 46,526
429,948 2,723,166
December 31, 2022
$ 1,337,893 4,696,909 2,128,058
$ 8,162,860
5,066,203 19,468
73,298 821,411
December 31, 2021
$ 1,000,961 2,951,835 1,595,767
$ 5,548,563
Years Ended December 31
(585,343) 8,162,860
(431,817) 5,548,563
Balance, end of year
The fair value of the plan assets by major categories at the end of reporting period was as follows:
Equity instruments Debt instruments
The actuarial valuations of the present value of the defined benefit obligation were carried out by qualified actuaries. The principal assumptions of the actuarial valuation were as follows:
Measurement Date
December 31, 2022
Discount rate 1.80% Future salary increase rate 4.00%
December 31, 2021
0.75% 3.00%
Through the defined benefit plans under the R.O.C. Labor Standards Law, the Company is exposed to the following risks:
1) Investment risk: The pension funds are invested in equity and debt securities, bank deposits, etc. The investment is conducted at the discretion of the government’s designated authorities or under the mandated management. However, under the R.O.C. Labor Standards Law, the rate of return on assets shall not be less than the average interest rate on a two-year time deposit published by the local banks and the government is responsible for any shortfall in the event that the rate of return is less than the required rate of return.
2) Interest risk: A decrease in the government bond interest rate will increase the present value of the defined benefit obligation; however, this will be partially offset by an increase in the return on the debt investments of the plan assets.
Assuming a hypothetical decrease in interest rate at the end of the reporting period contributed to a decrease of 0.5% (and not below 0.0%) in the discount rate and all other assumptions were held constant, the present value of the defined benefit obligation would increase by NT$766,692 thousand and NT$780,460 thousand as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
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