Page 250 - TSMC 2022 Annual Report
P. 250

recognition by reviewing changes in external credit ratings, financial market conditions and material information of the issuers.
The Company assesses the 12-month expected credit loss and lifetime expected credit loss based on the probability of default and loss given default provided by external credit rating agencies. The current credit risk assessment policies are as follows:
Performing Doubtful In default Write-off
Credit rating is investment grade on valuation date
Credit rating is non-investment grade on valuation date
Credit rating is CC or below on valuation date
There is evidence indicating that the debtor is in severe financial difficulty and the Company has no realistic prospect of recovery
Basis for Recognizing Expected Credit Loss
12 months expected credit loss
Lifetime expected credit loss-not credit impaired
Lifetime expected credit loss-credit impaired
Amount is written off
Expected Credit Loss Ratio
0-0.09% -
For the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, the expected credit loss increased NT$57,936 thousand and decreased NT$3,293 thousand, respectively. The changes were mainly due to increased investment amount and adjusted investment portfolio.
e. Liquidity risk management
The objective of liquidity risk management is to ensure the Company has sufficient liquidity to fund its business operations over the next 12 months. The Company manages its liquidity risk by maintaining adequate cash and cash equivalents, financial assets at FVTOCI-current, financial assets at amortized cost-current and sufficient cost-efficient funding.
The table below summarizes the maturity profile of the Company’s financial liabilities based on
contractual undiscounted payments, including principal and interest.
December 31, 2022
Non-derivative financial liabilities
Accounts payable (including related parties)
Payables to contractors and equipment suppliers
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities
Bonds payable
Long-term bank loans
Lease liabilities (including those
classified under accrued expenses and other current liabilities) (Note)
Less Than 1 Year
219,587,908 34,668,909 1,278,130
1-3 Years
94,869,159 3,533,152
5,367,809 166,266,718 270,036,838
3-5 Years
320,211,460 1,360,549
4,754,007 10,518,481 336,844,497
More Than 5 Years
$ - -
- 625,049,539 -
22,589,117 783,182 648,421,838
219,587,908 1,074,799,067 6,171,831
35,710,773 177,568,381 1,783,859,918
  2,999,840 Others - 528,556,745
- - -
- - -
           - 64 -
- 64 -

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