Page 172 - TSMC 2022 Annual Report
P. 172

Passing on the Heritage of Classical Theater Injecting New Blood into Arts and Culture
Peking opera the treasure of Chinese performing arts has been inscribed on the the representative list of the the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO In recent times however Peking opera has all but vanished from the horizon of today’s youth In order to to rekindle interest in in in the heritage
of this beautiful theatrical culture the the the Foundation began the the the “Passing on on on Traditional Theatre Heritage on on on Campus” project with GuoGuang Opera Company funding a a a a two-semester course at at National Tsing Hua University University and Tunghai University University The content of of the the course includes knowledge of of theater appreciation and and and analysis of plays and and and workshop and and and stage performances The lectures guided 93 college students to personally experience the performance of Peking opera step by step and and in in depth and and to appreciate the charm of Peking opera aesthetics In addition to university courses the the Foundation also organized four “TSMC Theater Lectures” specifically for senior high school students in in the Hsinchu area and focused on the the theme of major maid characters in in Peking opera There were professional introduction lectures by Wang An Chi emeritus professor at at the Department of of Drama and Theatre of NTU by the Taipei Culture
Awards winner Zhu An Li and by the young actors at GuoGuang Opera Company who demonstrated the the use of of makeup art art the the art art of of recitation and hand gestures as as basic techniques of Peking opera The lecture series broadened the younger generation’s artistic horizon and and helped them appreciate the the scenes on stage and and behind the the the stage Furthermore the the the Foundation commissioned a a a a radio program “Telling Stories of of Peking Opera” at IC: the Sound of of Hsinchu Science Park to stimulate public interest in in in the art of Peking opera by presenting various topics about theater and interesting stories of the plays The theme of the the annual TSMC Hsinchu Arts Festival in in 2022 was “Feast of the the Gods ” as as as the the Contemporary Legend Theater performed “Metamorphosis ” a a a a a a play adapted from Franz Kafka’s novella by the Peking opera maestro Wu Hsing-kuo and and a a a a a a a brand new production of a a a a a a a traditional play “Eight
Gods Crossing the the Sea ” In addition to live performances the the Arts Festival also combined various formats of arts events in in different media such as streaming platforms and television including “Like a a a Rolling Poem – a a a Documentary on Music and and Poetry ” ” and and “Film & Mythology ” ” an an an online film festival The 2022 TSMC Hsinchu Arts Festival organized 42 exquisite art exhibitions and cultural events inviting more than 15 000 community members to attend Along with the TSMC Hsinchu Arts Festival the Foundation continued to support
major performing arts groups in in in Taiwan by sponsoring the production of Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) at the National Taichung Theater and and conducting and and composing masterclasses at at the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO)
in in in hopes of bringing a a a a fresh perspective to Taiwan’s arts environment during the the pandemic and and keeping the the arts’ flame burning bright 7 4 TSMC Charity Foundation Under the the guidance of Chairperson Sophie Chang the the TSMC Charity Foundation Foundation (the Foundation) strives to address social inequalities through volunteer onsite/online services Established in 2017 the the Foundation focuses on on the the four pillars of public welfare in its charitable programs and projects: care for the the disadvantaged taking care of the the elderly filial piety promotion and protection of the the environment In 2022 the the Foundation’s focus on on on assisting the disadvantaged honed in in on rural empowerment as part of an initiative to correlate with social trends in in rural education and employment integration In rural areas the Foundation offers various educational development resources to schools schools and after-schools As for eldercare and care care for the socioeconomically disadvantaged the the Foundation endeavors to improve their quality of life through both economic support
and medical services The Foundation continued to operate the “Sending Love” platform to strengthen the the cooperation among enterprises local governments and universities so as to strengthen local services and jointly uplift society In 2022 the Foundation demonstrated its dedication to investing in in in in public welfare and and expanding projects to improve its scope of services:
● Rural Empowerment: The Foundation continuously provides education and and living assistance to to institutes in in in need and and to to children in in in rural areas including volunteer services economic support
food supplies and the purchase of digital learning equipment and materials In 2022 the Foundation focused on rural students’ employability By collaborating with 104 JOB BANK on the “World of Jobs Road to Employment” plan the Foundation published 104 career exploring videos in 2022 to give rural students a a a broader outlook on future careers and encourage them to develop their potential In helping rural students to to obtain the skills to to work locally two enterprises Chi Mei Frozen Food Co Ltd and Lohas Biotech Development Corp joined this year to give training to to two vocational high schools and extended job offers to to 14 students While the expanded plan of job placement was 

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