Page 129 - TSMC 2022 Annual Report
P. 129

Unit: NT$ thousands Current Assets
Long-term Investments (Note 1)
Property Plant and Equipment
Right-of-use Assets
Intangible Assets
Other Assets
(Note 2)
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Noncurrent Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Capital Stock
Capital Surplus
Retained Earnings
Total Equity
1 1 1 118 550 389
728 961 910
2 2 432 675 050
39 051 427
21 456 104
81 724 184
4 4 4 4 422 419 064
899 245 600
577 520 269
1 476 765 869
259 303 805
69 330 328
2 2 637 524 688
(20 505 626)
2 945 653 195
783 205 937
603 640 944 1 889
30 123 052 22 910
48 644 283
3 3 378 495 145
704 833 370 505 375 222
1 1 210 208 592
259 303 805
64 761
602 1 1 906 829 661 (62 608 515) 2 2 168 286 553 335 344 452 43%
125 320 966 21%
542 704 521 29%
8 8 928 375 30%
(1 454 296) -6%
33 079 901 68%
1 1 1 043 923 919 31%
412 230 28%
72 145
047 14%
557 277 22%
0 0 0%
4 568 726
730 695 027
42 102 889
777 366 642
Note Note 1: Long-term investments investments consist consist of of noncurrent noncurrent financial assets assets assets assets at fair value through other other comprehensive income income and and investments investments accounted for using equity method Note Note 2: Other assets assets assets assets consist consist of of deferred income tax assets assets assets assets refundable deposits and other other noncurrent noncurrent assets assets assets assets ● Analysis of Deviation over 20%
Increase in in in in in Current Assets: The increase increase was mainly due to increase increase in in in in in cash cash and cash cash equivalents Increase in in in in in in in Long-term Investments: The increase increase was mainly due to increase increase in in in in in in in investments accounted for using equity method Increase in in in in in in Property Plant and and Equipment: The increase increase was mainly due to increase increase in in in in in in equipment under installation and and construction in progress Increase in in in in in Right-of-use Assets: The increase increase was mainly due to increase increase in in in in in leases of of land Increase in in in in in in in Other Assets: The increase increase in in in in in in in other assets assets was mainly due to increase increase in in in in in in in deferred income tax assets assets Increase in in in in in in Total Assets: The increase increase in in in in in in total assets assets was mainly due to to increase increase in in in in in in current assets assets and and property plant and and equipment Increase in in in in in Current Liabilities: The increase increase was mainly due to increase increase in in in in in accrued expenses and other current liabilities Increase in in in in in Total Liabilities: The increase increase was mainly due to issuance of corporate bonds and and increase increase in in in in in accrued expenses and and other current liabilities Increase in in in in in in in Retained Earnings: The increase was mainly due to net income of of of 2022
partially offset by distribution of of of earnings Increase in in in in in in in Others
Equity: The increase increase was mainly due to increase increase in in in in in in in currency exchange gain arising from translation of foreign operations in 2022
Increase in in in in in in in Total Equity: The increase increase was mainly due to increase increase in in in in in in in retained earnings ● Major Impact on on Financial Position
The above deviations had no major impact on on on TSMC’s financial position ● Future Plan on on Financial Position: Not applicable 

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