Annual Reports  >  2014  >  Company Profile > Management Team
Management TeamManagement Team

Information Regarding Management Team (Note 1)

As of 02/28/2015

  • President and Co-Chief Executive Officer
    Mark Liu


    President and Co-Chief Executive Officer
    Mark Liu

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement












    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of
     California, Berkeley, U.S.

    Executive Vice President and Co-Chief Operating Officer, TSMC

    Senior Vice President, Operations, TSMC

    Senior Vice President, Advanced Technology Business, TSMC

    President, Worldwide Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp.



    None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • President and Co-Chief Executive Officer
    C.C. Wei


    President and Co-Chief Executive Officer
    C.C. Wei

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement







    7,179,207 0.03% 261 0.00% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Yale University, U.S.

    Executive Vice President and Co-Chief Operating Officer, TSMC

    Senior Vice President, Business Development, TSMC

    Senior Vice President, Mainstream Technology Business, TSMC

    Senior Vice President, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd.

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer
    Information Technology, Materials Management and Risk Management
    Stephen T. Tso


    Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer
    Information Technology, Materials Management and Risk Management
    Stephen T. Tso

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement







    13,237,064 0.05% - - -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Materials Science & Engineering, University of California,
     Berkeley, U.S.

    President, WaferTech, LLC

    Senior Vice President, Operations, TSMC

    General Manager of CVD Products, Applied Material

    Director, TSMC subsidiaries None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Senior Vice President,
    Chief Financial Officer and Spokesperson
    Lora Ho


    Senior Vice President,
    Chief Financial Officer and Spokesperson
    Lora Ho

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 06/01/1999 6,381,080 0.02% 110,268 0.00% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Master, Business Administration, National
     Taiwan University, Taiwan

    Senior Director, Accounting, TSMC

    Vice President & CFO, TI-Acer Semiconductor
     Manufacturing Corp.

    Director and/or Supervisor, TSMC subsidiaries

    Director, TSMC affiliates

    President, TSMC subsidiaries

    None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Senior Vice President
    Research and Development
    Wei-Jen Lo


    Senior Vice President
    Research and Development
    Wei-Jen Lo (Note 3)

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 07/01/2004 1,468,127 0.01% - - -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Solid State Physics and Surface Chemistry, University of
     California, Berkeley, U.S.

    Vice President, Research and Development, TSMC

    Vice President, Operations/ Manufacturing Technology, TSMC

    Vice President, Advanced Technology Business, TSMC

    Vice President, Operation II, TSMC

    Director, Advanced Technology Development and CTM Plant
     Manager, Intel

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Senior Vice President of TSMC and President of TSMC North America
    Rick Cassidy


    Senior Vice President of TSMC and President of TSMC North America
    Rick Cassidy (Note 3)

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    U.S.A. 11/14/1997 - - - - -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Bachelor, Engineering Technology, United States Military
     Academy at West Point, U.S.

    Vice President of TSMC North America Account Management

    Director, TSMC North America None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Operations/Affiliate Fabs
    M.C. Tzeng


    Vice President
    Operations/Affiliate Fabs
    M.C. Tzeng

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 01/01/1987 7,592,595 0.03% - - -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Master, Applied Chemistry, Chungyuan University, Taiwan

    Vice President, Mainstream Technology Business, TSMC

    Senior Director, Fab 2 Operation, TSMC

    Director, TSMC subsidiaries

    Director, TSMC affiliate

    Deputy Director M.J. Tzeng Siblings
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
    Research and Development
    Jack Sun


    Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
    Research and Development
    Jack Sun

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 06/02/1997 4,290,831 0.02% - - -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
     Champaign, U.S.

    Vice President, Research and Development, TSMC

    Senior Director, Logic Technology Division, TSMC

    Senior Manager of R&D, International Business Machines (IBM)

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Operations/Product Development
    Y.P. Chin


    Vice President
    Operations/Product Development
    Y.P. Chin

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 01/01/1987 7,273,122 0.03% 2,194,107 0.01% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Master, Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,

    Vice President, Advanced Technology and Business, TSMC

    Senior Director, Product Engineering & Services, TSMC

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Quality and Reliability
    N.S. Tsai


    Vice President
    Quality and Reliability
    N.S. Tsai

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 03/01/2000 2,051,180 0.01% 1,103,253 0.00% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Material Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

    Senior Director, Assembly Test Technology & Service, TSMC

    Vice President, Operations, Vanguard International Semiconductor

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Operations/Mainstream Fabs and Manufacturing Technology
    J.K. Lin


    Vice President
    Operations/Mainstream Fabs and Manufacturing Technology
    J.K. Lin

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 01/01/1987 12,498,018 0.05% 1,321,036 0.01% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation
    Bachelor, Science, National Changhua University of Education,
    Senior Director, Mainstream Fabs, TSMC
    Director, TSMC affiliates None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Operations/300mm Fabs
    J.K. Wang


    Vice President
    Operations/300mm Fabs
    J.K. Wang

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 02/11/1987 2,553,947 0.01% 160,844 0.00% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Master, Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,

    Senior Director, 300mm fab operations, TSMC

    None Manager J.J. Wang Siblings
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Corporate Planning Organization
    Irene Sun


    Vice President
    Corporate Planning Organization
    Irene Sun

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 10/01/2003 420,709 0.00% - - -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, U.S.

    Senior Director, Corporate Planning Organization, TSMC

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Research and Development
    Burn J. Lin


    Vice President
    Research and Development
    Burn J. Lin

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 04/26/2000 2,654,746 0.01% 1,024,933 0.00% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University, U.S.

    Senior Director, Nanopatterning Technology Division, TSMC

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Research and Development
    Y.J. Mii


    Vice President
    Research and Development
    Y.J. Mii

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 11/14/1994 1,000,419 0.00% - - -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles,

    Senior Director, R&D Platform I Division, TSMC

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Research and Development
    Cliff Hou


    Vice President
    Research and Development
    Cliff Hou

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 12/15/1997 652,532 0.00% 60,802 0.00% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Syracuse University, U.S.

    Senior Director, Design and Technology Platform, TSMC

    Director, TSMC subsidiaries

    Director, TSMC affiliate

    President, TSMC subsidiaries

    None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Business Development
    Been-Jon Woo


    Vice President
    Business Development
    Been-Jon Woo

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 04/30/2009 220,000 0.00% 45,000 0.00% -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Southern California, U.S.

    Director of Business Development, TSMC

    Vice President of R&D, Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp.

    Director of Technology Integration, Intel Corp.

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President and General Counsel
    Sylvia Fang


    Vice President and General Counsel
    Sylvia Fang (Note 4)

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 03/20/1995 700,285 0.00% 419,112 0.00% 34,000
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    Master of Comparative Law, School of Law, University of Iowa

    Associate General Counsel, TSMC

    Taiwan International Patent and Law Office (TIPLO)

    Director, TSMC subsidiaries

    Director, TSMC affiliate

    None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
  • Vice President
    Human Resources
    Connie Ma


    Vice President
    Human Resources
    Connie Ma (Note 4)

    Nationality On-board Date
    (Note 2)


    Spouse & Minor

    TSMC Shareholding by
    Nominee Arrangement





    R.O.C. 06/01/2014 40,000 0.00% - - -
    Education & Selected Past Positions Selected Current Positions
    at Other Companies

    Managers Who are Spouses or within
    Second-degree Relative of
    Consanguinity to Each Other

    Title Name Relation

    EMBA, International Business Management, National Taiwan

    Director of Human Resources, TSMC

    Senior Vice President of Global Human Resources, Trend Micro

    None None None None
    Note 2: On-board date means the official date joining TSMC.
    Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
    Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
Note 1:
Senior Vice President and General Counsel Dr. Richard Thurston voluntarily retired, effective July 16, 2014.

Compensation Paid to CEO, President and Vice Presidents (Note 1)

Unit: NT$ thousands

Compensation Paid to CEO, President and Vice Presidents

Note 1: Compensation Policy: The cash compensation and profit sharing paid to Chief Executive Officer and each executive officer are also reviewed by the Compensation Committee individually based on their job responsibility, contribution, and projected future risks the Company will face before the compensation and profit sharing proposals are submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
Note 2: Senior Vice President and General Counsel Dr. Richard Thurston voluntarily retired, effective July 16, 2014.
Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.
Note 5: Pensions funded/paid according to applicable law.
Note 6: The above-mentioned figures include the expense for the employees’ cash bonuses distributed in May, August, November 2014 and February 2015, Company cars and gasoline reimbursement, but does not include compensation paid to Company drivers (totaled NT$3,206 thousand).
Note 7: The above-mentioned figures are preliminary and the proposed employee profit sharing distribution will be processed after the approval of the same by shareholders at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on June 9, 2015.
Note 8: Total compensation paid to TSMC’s Chief Executive Officer and Executive Officers in 2013 was NT$1,203,742 thousand, accounting for 0.64% of 2013 net income.
Note 9: Represents cumulative employee stock options exercisable as of the date of this Annual Report.
Note 10: TSMC did not issue employee restricted stock in 2014, and as of the date of this Annual Report.

Compensation Paid to CEO, President and Vice Presidents




From All Consolidated Entities and Non-consolidated Affiliates
NT$0 ~ NT$2,000,000 Rick Cassidy None
NT$2,000,000 ~ NT$4,999,999 None None
NT$5,000,000 ~ NT$9,999,999 None None
NT$10,000,000 ~ NT$14,999,999 None None
NT$15,000,000 ~ NT$29,999,999 Sylvia Fang, Connie Ma Sylvia Fang, Connie Ma
NT$30,000,000 ~ NT$49,999,999 Richard Thurston, Burn J. LIN, N.S. Tsai,
J.K. Lin, Cliff Hou, Been-Jon Woo, J.K. Wang, Irene Sun
Richard Thurston, Burn J. LIN, N.S. Tsai,
J.K. Lin, Cliff Hou, Been-Jon Woo, J.K. Wang, Irene Sun
NT$50,000,000 ~ NT$99,999,999 Wei-Jen Lo, Lora Ho, Jack Sun, M.C. Tzeng, Y.P. Chin, Y.J. Mii Wei-Jen Lo, Lora Ho, Rick Cassidy, Jack Sun, M.C. Tzeng, Y.P. Chin, Y.J. Mii
Over NT$100,000,000 Mark Liu, C.C. Wei, Stephen T. Tso Mark Liu, C.C. Wei, Stephen T. Tso
Total 20 20

Employee Profit Sharing Granted to Management Team (Note 1)

Unit: NT$ thousands



Stock (Fair Market Value)


Total Employee Profit Sharing

Total Employee Profit Sharing Paid to Management Team
as a % of 2014
Net Income

President and Co-Chief Executive Officer

Mark Liu





President and Co-Chief Executive Officer

C.C. Wei

Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Information Technology, Materials Management and Risk Management

Stephen T. Tso

Senior Vice President and General Counsel


Richard Thurston (Note 2)

Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Spokesperson


Lora Ho

Senior Vice President

Research and Development

Wei-Jen Lo (Note 3)

Senior Vice President of TSMC and

President of TSMC North America

Rick Cassidy (Note 3)

Vice President

Operations/Affiliate Fabs

M.C. Tzeng

Vice President and Chief Technology Officer

Research and Development

Jack Sun

Vice President

Operations/Product Development

Y.P. Chin

Vice President

Quality and Reliability

N.S. Tsai

Vice President

Operations/Mainstream Fabs and Manufacturing Technology

J.K. Lin

Vice President

Operations/300mm Fabs

J.K. Wang

Vice President

Corporate Planning Organization

Irene Sun

Vice President

Research and Development

Burn J. Lin

Vice President

Research and Development

Y.J. Mii

Vice President

Research and Development

Cliff Hou

Vice President

Business Development

Been-Jon Woo

Vice President and General Counsel


Sylvia Fang (Note 4)

Vice President

Human Resources

Connie Ma (Note 4)
Note 1: The above-mentioned figures are preliminary and the proposed employee profit sharing distribution will be processed after the approval of the same by shareholders at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on June 9, 2015.
Note 2: Senior Vice President and General Counsel Dr. Richard Thurston voluntarily retired, effective July 16, 2014.
Note 3: Dr. Wei-Jen Lo and Mr. Rick Cassidy were promoted to Senior Vice President, effective February 18, 2014.
Note 4: Ms. Sylvia Fang and Ms. Connie Ma were promoted to Vice President, effective August 12, 2014.